ZWCAD 2011 Professional

ZWCAD is a powerful Autocad Alternative for 2D and 3D CAD software with native DWG format. ZWCAD offers user experience similar to Autocad and assures you of unrivaled compatibility with Autocad® & Windows® including Windows 7


Instructions for Installation on Windows Vista

General Introduction  

ZWCAD 2011 provides you with the most cost-effective solution for the entire workflow, from the very beginning to the very end of your projects, with innovative, collaborative, and customizable features:

1. Ensuring compatibility with mainstream CAD software and operating systems

2. Realizing your ideas to drawings effectively

3. Furthering your designs, easier and faster

4. Removing boundaries from communication and cooperation

5. Serving you better with flexible customization 

Main features of ZWCAD 2011 version 

Parametric Drawing - Productivity Breakthrough
Parametric drawing will radically redefine the way you design in 2D by significantly improving accuracy and reducing editing time.  

Effective and Efficient Tools
With a plethora of new drawing functions such as Table, Field, Mleader, PDF Plotter, and Solprof, you’ll be able to create drawings much faster and with more precision. 

Better User Experience
Enhanced tools such as Snap, Refedit, Raster Image, Dimension Break, and Online Help, refine your user experience and make your designing process much more comfortable. 

Optimized Application Programming Interfaces
A wide range of API improvements, including new classes for UI in ZRX and a batch of new visual LISP functions, greatly simplify migration.

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